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The Importance of Discovery With Roxanne McKee

2nd August 2022

2nd August 2022

By Innermost

We sat down with actress and fitness fanatic Roxanne McKee, who gave us the lowdown on all things discovery. Her important moments of discovery, what it means to her, and how to always keep discovering more in life.

Hey Roxanne! Can you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi! Yes, my name is Roxanne McKee and I’m an actress and sport and nutrition enthusiast.

How did you become an Innermost Insider and what’s your goal as an ambassador for the brand?

I found Innermost at a cycling event I was at, and I thought the product was delicious. I’m very conscious about what I put in my body because I suffer from acne so I try to maintain a very balanced diet, while also feeling myself with all the nutrients I need to be on the go all the time.

Our topic this month is discovery. Discovery is an abstract concept that’s open to interpretation. So how would you personally define discovery?

I suppose I feel discovery for me is learning to be the best version of my myself both mentally and physically. It’s an ongoing process, and while at times it’s challenging, it’s certainly worth it. I have discovered my passion for nutrition and functional medicine in the last few years, and as a result started doing a course in nutrition. I’m discovering more each day, and it’s keeping me stimulated.

What have you discovered along your health and fitness journey?

I have discovered just how lucky I am to have had acne! It was the acne that made me aware of just how important it is to maintain a healthy diet, and how we really can change how we feel through nourishing ourselves. I’ve also discovered my love for nature through trail running. And how a quick dip in the sea, a lake, a cold shower gives you a happy buzz to start your day.

Is there a time you have struggled on your journey of self-discovery and what’s your advice for someone struggling themselves?

Advice to anyone struggling would be, just take baby steps, focus on your happiness, and your own goals nobody else’s. Little by little you will get there, it’s about consistency. And I believe in you!

What are your 3 most important lessons about self-discovery?

Three most important lessons about self discovery are;
  • Everyone’s journey is unique and personal.
  • Consistency is key
  • Be open to new ideas.

What Innermost product(s) have you been loving recently?

I love, love, love The Lean Protein, and The Health Protein (even though I’m not vegan) but I’m a big mushroom fan - I could talk for days about nutritional funghi! But I won’t bore you…

Roxanne, it’s been a pleasure chatting to you! Our final question is ... What’s your innermost desire that you’re hoping comes true this year?

I hope I pass all my fitness and nutrition exams!
That's a wrap! To keep up with Roxanne, follow her on Instagram, @roxanne_mckee.

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